About The School
Kanjoo School is a Primary and Junior Secondary School located in Maukune Lower Village of the Kanjoo sub location. The primary school was started in 1975 and due to its proximity to Meru National Park, it captured the attention of the government and other charitable organisations. A Junior Secondary was added in 2023 after the primary school met the required criteria set up by the newly instated government. The school has 11 government teachers and 1 further teacher funded by the Board Of Management (the parents). Kanjoo School has an enrolment of 361 pupils; 171 girls and 190 boys.
Plan international, an NGO operating in the area in the 1980’s, played a key role in the initial construction of permanent classrooms and donated learning and teaching resources to the then primary school. Heavy government investment also took place at that time, with a total result of 15 permanent classrooms constructed.
More recently, The Born Free Foundation (BFF) and ourselves have contributed to the ongoing and much needed school’s development. BFF has constructed permanent toilet blocks, a modern kitchen and have donated furniture and learning materials to the Early Years. We have donated 131 desks and chairs, revision books, have piped water into the school from the County Government borehole and provided a storage tank and wash basins for the toilet blocks. We have also constructed a playground, donated WASH materials, trained staff and helped in fencing of the school’s perimeter.
Although the school has more favourable teaching and learning conditions in comparison to the other schools in the area, there are still many parts of the school that desperately need renovating, maintaining and developing. With a lack of ongoing financial government support, the parents are required to support any infrastructure development which puts huge pressure on their finances and quality of life.
Planned Development
The school has highlighted that their immediate needs include:
- Improvement of the sports facilities through the installation of metal goal posts and nets to improve the running of co-curricular activities.
- Construction of an Administration block to improve the teaching and running of the school and to store resources
- School building renovation:
- Replacing broken window panes and doors. For classroom security and protection for the pupils from extreme weather conditions of dust and rain
- Repairing leaking corrugated roofs
- Steel brushing and repairing the classroom walls.
- Installation of lights in the classrooms.