“Growing up in a clean and safe environment is every child’s right.” - UNISEF.
In Kenya, diarrhoeal diseases remain one of the major killers of children under five. This and other waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, amoebiasis, dysentery, gastroenteritis, giardiasis and worms are all preventable and treatable with the right Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) education and resources.
Access to healthcare is a great challenge for the residents of Kanjoo. Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) were originally trained by the county government to serve the community, but with a lack of protective clothing, transport, ongoing training or medical resources, the service struggles to operate. The nearest Health Clinic is approximately 5 km away and without funds or access to transport, most community members have no means of accessing healthcare. Women and children still die in childbirth and people still die of preventable diseases.
We aim to change this by providing WASH education and resources, renovating the local health clinic and supporting the CHVs in the area with further training and resources.